Salary for Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng

All Categories All location
  • Salary min

    Salary min

    3,5 Mil 7,1 Mil
  • Salary medium: 8,5 Mil / tháng 9,8 Mil

    Salary medium: 8,5 Mil / month

  • Salary max 26 Mil
Salary medium 8,5 Mil/ month
Min Avg 7,1 Mil
Salary min 3,5 Mil
Max Avg 9,8 Mil
Salary max 26 Mil

Paid by Experience

Percentage Increase / Decrease with Average Salary

  • < 1 yr

  • 1 - 4 yrs

An entry-level Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of 8 based on 233 samples. An early career Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of 8.9 mil VND based on 193 samples. An entry-level Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of 8 mil VND based on 233 samples. An early career Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of 8.9 mil VND based on 193 samples. See more

Gender Breakdown

Not Required

High average salary by industry

Customer Service

Customer Service

Average salary: 9,0 Mil


Average salary: 8,5 Mil
Administrative / Clerical

Administrative / Clerical

Average salary: 8,4 Mil


Average salary: 7,9 Mil
Accounting / Auditing / Tax

Accounting / Auditing / Tax

Average salary: 7,5 Mil
General/operations managers are responsible for maintaining a business. They work in tandem with location personnel and upper management to ensure the functions of the business and service delivery. A general manager oversees everything from the cleanliness of a location to the inventory that comes in, is sold or delivered. They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance... General/operations managers are responsible for maintaining a business. They work in tandem with location personnel and upper management to ensure the functions of the business and service delivery. A general manager oversees everything from the cleanliness of a location to the inventory that comes in, is sold or delivered. They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance. General managers also control the budget for the store. They manage the personnel and staff in supervisory. A general manager oversees everything from the cleanliness of a location to the inventory that comes in, is sold or delivered. They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance. General managers also control the budget for the store. They manage the personnel and staff in supervisory See more

The highest-paying professions

Customer Service

Customer Service

Average salary: 9,0 Mil


Average salary: 8,5 Mil
Administrative / Clerical

Administrative / Clerical

Average salary: 8,4 Mil


Average salary: 7,9 Mil
Accounting / Auditing / Tax

Accounting / Auditing / Tax

Average salary: 7,5 Mil
General/operations managers are responsible for maintaining a business. They work in tandem with location personnel and upper management to ensure the functions of the business and service delivery. A general manager oversees everything from the cleanliness of a location to the inventory that comes in, is sold or delivered. They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance... General/operations managers are responsible for maintaining a business. They work in tandem with location personnel and upper management to ensure the functions of the business and service delivery. A general manager oversees everything from the cleanliness of a location to the inventory that comes in, is sold or delivered. They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance They are responsible for cash deposits and safe maintenance... See more

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Description of Nhân Viên Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng

*Job Description:
- Receive and respond to product inquiries, provide information, and support customers through the company's communication channels.
- Handle conflict situations and complaints from customers.
- Provide detailed information about the company's products and services to customers.
- Prepare reports, statistics, and analyze customer data as required.
- Collect feedback and suggestions for improvement from customers.
- Perform other tasks as required by superiors.
*Job Requirements:
- College graduate.
- Experience in a similar position.
- Proficient in office computer applications.
- Strong communication skills, persuasion ability, and good problem-solving skills.
- Dynamic and agile.
- Knowledge of English is an advantage.
- Basic Salary: 7,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND + KPI Bonuses.
- Holiday bonuses, Tet bonuses, etc.
- Participation in social insurance (BHXH), health insurance (BHYT), and other company benefits as regulated.
- Extracurricular activities and annual vacation.
- Professional and dynamic working environment.
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